Saturday, January 1, 2011

Did Someone Say Cliché?

They insisted on doing this... really.
Happy New Year! I know that this blog has been almost entirely about plans and goals, but what better time to make a nice, neat bullet point list that I can refer back to later?

This year I would like to...

  • Ride Morrissey without being afraid.
  • Continue with Morrissey's training
  • Blog more about the dogs, (even the blind one who won't look at the camera).
  • Draw a nice large portrait of Morrissey to hang in the house.
  • Earn a dry champion leg for at least one of my goats. 
  • Teach the goats to drive a cart.
  • Start making and perhaps selling goat-milk soap.
  • Learn more about nutrition for each of my farmish pets and provide them with the best food possible.
  • Make solid plans about looking for a new (horse and goat friendly) home. 
  • I know I said no more farm animals for two years, but perhaps a donkey or LGD for my goats?
  • Hold on tight to my positive suburban attributes while adding some nice farmish ones as well.


  1. What a cute pic! Happy 2011 to you and your family - two and fourlegged!

    Petra Christensen
    Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
    Parelli Central
